Wednesday Nights at Heritage

Wednesday nights at HBC are the best way to celebrate Hump Day. Everyone needs a mid-week recharge!


Family Dinner

At 5:45 pm, guests sit down for a family dinner in the church fellowship hall. If you are a first-time guest, dinner is on us. After that, dinner costs, $4 for children 4-12 years old , $6 for adults with a maximum family cost of $20.

We have plenty of high chairs and booster seats for the little ones. The menu changes each weekly.

When dinner is over at 6:30 pm, adults recess to the chapel, children go to choir.

The evening ends at 7:15, just in time to take your tired little ones home for bath and bed.

Adult Bible Study 6:30pm

Each Wednesday at HBC we take a time fellowship with new and old friends, share stories and celebrate that we are almost to the weekend! September-May we gather for dinner before prayer meeting.

What is prayer meeting? If you aren't familiar with the terminology it can sound strange. No worries. Prayer meeting is a 30-45 minute time during which we share concerns we'd like others to remember in prayer OR celebrate blessings we've experienced. After prayer, we have a scripture study. It is more casual than Sunday morning worship, with participants encouraged to offer comment or question as we go along.

Kid Programing 6:30pm

Wednesdays are filled will music, art and fun. Mr. Willie and Pastor Skye lead this time of exploration and growing in God’s love.

Nursery is open for babies and toddlers during this time.


Adult Choirs practices Wednesday nights at 7:15 pm, following prayer meeting. Like to sing? Play an instrument? The Heritage Adult Choir performs each Sunday and produces special musical events on Christmas and Easter. Make a joyful noise with us! Learn more contact